Concepts have financial benefits

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Chapter 9 endnote 29, from How Emotions are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett.
Some context is:

Studies have shown that remedial math students at community colleges can improve their exam grades and their final course grade through effective recategorization. This significant development can change the trajectory of a person’s life, given that a college degree can be the difference between financial success and a lifelong struggle to make ends meet. [...]

Only 27% of students in remedial math ever earn a bachelor’s degree.[1]

In a double-blind, randomized field study, community college students in a remedial math class improved their performance when taught to recategorize their arousal (stemming from body-misbudgeting).[2]

Graduates with bachelor’s degrees earn $2.27 million over their lifetime; they earn approximately $720,000 more than those with some college (who earn $1.55 million in lifetime earnings) and almost a million dollars more than those with a high school diploma (who earn $1.30 million lifetime); therefore, earning a four-year bachelor's degree contributes to financial success in life.[3]

Notes on the Notes

  1. Education Commission of the States. 2010. 2010 Annual report.
  2. Jamieson, Jeremy P., Brett J. Peters, Emily Greenwood, and Aaron Altose. 2016. “Reappraising Stress Arousal Improves Performance and Reduces Evaluation Anxiety in Classroom Exam Situations.” Social Psychological and Personality Science 7 (6): 579–587.
  3. Burnsed, Brian. 2011. "How Higher Education Affects Lifetime Salary." U.S. News & World Report, August 5.